Thursday, March 4, 2010


Okay. Only one person has commented on the last post, (who I do not know) and if other people don't comment, you won't get bragging rights and all of what I said before that would take too long to write now. Also, if you can guess the next word in the next verse of this song, you move from Dork, to Geek, to NERD!!!

The FUN!!!

Pip pip. Cheerio.


  1. Like I said:
    "Look at these people, amazing how sheep will show up for the slaughter. No one condeming you, lined up like lemmings you're led to the water. Why can't they see what I see? Why can't they hear the lies? Maybe the fee's too pricey for them to realize your diguise is slipping...I think you're slipping...Now that your savior is still as the grave you're begining to fear me...Like cavemen fear thunder, I still have to wonder can you really hear me? I bring you pain, the kind you can't suffer quietly. Fire up your brain, remind you, inside your rioting society is slipping...everything's slipping away, so! Go ahead! Run away! Say it was horrible. Get a pic! Do a blog: Heros are over with! Did I get, everything I ever...all the cash, all the fame! And social change. Look at him, not a word! Hammer me, nailed! Anarchy! Did I run? It's Dr. Horrible's turn! You people all have to learn! This world is going to BURN! BURN! (-yeah, it's two R's, H-O-R-R-I, yeah, right-) BURN! No sign of Penny, good I would give anything not to have her see. It's gonna be bloody, head up, Billy buddy, there's no time for mercy! Here goes no mercy..." By the way, this was all from memory. How sad is that? XD

  2. Um, it's sad that you switched "Did I get, everything, I ever...all the cash, all the fame! And social change," first it's "Look at him. Not a word. Hammer me NAIL!!!" You switched them around.
    You did good though.

    Hey, what was the comment you erased?
