Saturday, January 16, 2010

Pie and homeschooling

Pie is very tasty.
Homeschooling is very awesome.
I especially like pecan pie.
You get to do a lot more things when you're homeschooled.
Apple pie is good too.
You get to learn a lot more things.
Let's just hope the pie isn't laced with nitroglycerin.
I'll explain. You see, in public school, you sit behind a desk for a number of hours.
Pie is just really tasty, okay?
And then you go home, and have to do all your homework.
And when it's hot and gooey . . .yum.
And by the time you're done, there is no more time to learn anything else, because you have to go to bed, to start the process over again.
But frozen can be good too. It's all frozen together, so it won't spill around your plate.
While you homeschool, the world is yours to explore. You learn what you want to. You learn simply by living.
So, to simplify this, pie is yummy, whether it's hot or cold, as long as it's made right.
And homeschooling is awesome, as long as you live your life exploring, instead of behind a desk.


  1. Oh, I love it! I like the way the ideas alternate! :D

  2. Alternatiating rocks.
    And so does homeschooling.
    And PIE!!!

  3. Ooh! I love pie and being homeschooled! Although... It's not like you don't spend alot of time doing school when ur homeschooled... I get what ya mean though:-)
