Saturday, January 2, 2010

La da da

I know this post is late but, I WISH YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS, AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
IT' 2010. W-O-W. That's big.
My friend Chan has kind of done this on her blog, so I'll try it on mine. (She hasn't copyrighted hers, so she can't sue me. Ha ha.)
Things I've done in 2009
1. Wrote songs and death poetry.
2. Slumber partied and met new people(Who later became my best friends, who later I slumber partied with. Runs out of breath. . . regains control.)
3. Had awesome camping trips with said friends, and family. (Said friends are: Kaitlin, Chandler, Keilee, Emily, if I'm missing anyone, then you too.)
4. Wrote more songs and more death poetry.
5.Started a blog to put said poetry on.
7. Made band while swimming
8. . . . As you can see, this list can go on for a while. But important things that happened this year are. . .I made some awesome friends, I have an awesome family, I had an awesome Christmas and awesome New Year, and whatever else I have missed in my list. . .was AWESOME!!

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