Monday, November 30, 2009

50th Post

This is my 50th post on my blog. And I don't really have anything else to say besides that. So...
This is getting boring.
I think I'll just have a staring contest with the wall...Ha. It blinked.
I tried to close myself inside a plastic box today. Needed my Mom to snap the lid shut. After trying once, saying it wouldn't work and saying she wouldn't do it, then me asking her why not, (several times,) all I got from her was, because. Because WHY? I still don't have an answer.
I also did some math today, and we put up the tree. Oh, Christmas tree. Oh, Christmas tree. (Hums while in search of lyrics.)
Well, now that I look back at this post, maybe I did have more to say besides that. And it's still boring. And I still won the staring contest. And- well, you get the picture.
Also, I think I must be cold blooded. I'm FREEZING. My hands are FREEZING. My arms are FREEZING. My- again, you get the picture.
Well, have a TERRIBLE day. And if I have already bitten you, bite someone else and spread the zombie disease. So that, by next Friday the 13th, the whole world will be zombies.
Then again, if everyone is the zombies, who will be the prey? Not to be confused with The Fray.


  1. I didn't close you inside the plastic container BECAUSE I like the idea of you being able to breathe!

  2. So we'll have to bite everybody else by August of next year.
    Also I just realized something.
    What if mosquitoes were zombies?

  3. Oh, and in speaking of biting others to spread the Zombiearity, I bit my friend Rhoen. So (including the Zuppy) that brings the grand total to...
    ...only seven people (including the Zuppy)?!

  4. Are you kidding me? We have way more than that. I bit Ahna (I don't know how to spell her name...? >.< ) I bit mama, and Tiny, who bit Missy. I think I bit Amber (but I'm not sure about that one)
    And I have no idea how many other second generation zombies are out there.

  5. Also...It's "O" Christmas Tree, not "oh." Technicalities, my dear, must be taken into consideration.
    I'm sorry you're cold. :C
