Thursday, July 16, 2009

Hello people of earth. To people who know me better, glub, glub, glub, glub... oh forget it. I've been having a great time lately. Here are some pics. Now, most of the pics are my mom's, but at the beginning they are mine. Enjoy.

This cute little mouse is called Paparazzi.

La, la, la, la.
The running evil man. Just kidding. He's my brother Cody
This is where my mom's pictures start.
Doesn't this look comfortable? Not! Poor Jacob.
Remember, never use elevator when there is a fire. What's that over there?
Oh, just a few flames, nothing to worry about. Oh, okay. To those out there
who don't understand this is a joke, we did not ride on the elevator while the
building was on fire. At least, I hope we didn't.
Are we bored out of our wits? No. We always look like that. Again, to those
out there who don't understand, I was being sarcastic.
Row, row, row your.. oh, I give up.

Keilee, Karen, Me, Gina(my mom), Bobby(my dad), and my brother Cody met up with Chandler and Ester at Applebees after our last Suessical play.
Oh man, this is good.
No, this is good.
These are pictures of either: Me dressed up for the Suessical,
Me and a friend dressed up for the Suessical play, or my hair after I took the tupperware container off my head!

These two pictures were taken at a place which name I can't remember.


  1. love all the pics you should blog more often. I love reading your blog!

  2. Great job, B! Love the pics. : )
