Sunday, March 20, 2011


Well, still no comments on that last post, so I guess I'm not forgiven :(
Ah well, here's a poem, I don't think I've posted it yet:

My Glass Domain

Safe and secure, tucked into my bed

The curtains drawn shut; the air still

No one can reach me; no one can hear

All they see is the light passing through

The rabbit hops by; I let it pass

The caterpillar now flies; I stay where I’m at

I keep my mind closed to dreams

And in doing so, I save my head

I look through the pane of glass

That in this world is called a window

Look at the mistakes my former self made

As the red rose vines curl around my heart

And I slowly find myself looking into the world unseen

By the people who don’t believe in dreams

I try not to; but I already have my sight

And I can’t stop seeing, what is always there

Safe and secure, tucked into my bed

The curtains drawn shut; the air still

No one can reach me; no one can hear

All they see is my glass domain


  1. YOU ARE FORGIVEN!!!!!!!!! now keep writting poetry like that and get on more often!

  2. Thank, thank you.

    Yes, Ma'am. *salute*
